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Client Name

Unspoken Wounds

Project Name

Projected Thoughts


Introduce Unspoken Wounds to a wide audience through powerful storytelling.


Ensure Unspoken Wounds’ impactful origins remain at the heart of the campaign by having founder Steve Beedie recount his experiences, enhanced by projected images.


Close collaboration with Steve to ensure his personal narrative was infused with every part of the project.


A sincerely heartfelt video conveying the brand’s roots and core values which has since boosted Unspoken Wounds’ visibility online.

A sophisticated yet simple approach is best for enhancing an already powerful narrative. When Steve Beedie approached us to discuss creating a project for Unspoken Wounds, we sought to carefully balance captivating moving imagery with his honest storytelling.

Keeping Steve's narrative at the centre of the project was the key to clearly and effectively depicting Unspoken Wounds’ origins and growth. To add a personal visual element, we decided to project photographs from Steve's life onto him,visually conveying his open discussion about his past whilst portraying the movement’s aim of building a hopeful future.

To guarantee a sleek final production, we had to think quickly and creatively when recording Steve's voiceover. Filming in a reverberant location, we were required to surround Steve's with noise cancelling materials to prevent echoes and ensure our audio was crisp and clean.

This stripped-back, intimate creative approach allowed us to develop a significant connection with the audience. Having trusted us to develop stunning media to spark discussion around a profoundly personaltopic, we were delighted to see the campaign garner substantial attention on social media, with more than 65,000 views on Facebook to date.