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Client Name

Scottish Athletics

Project Name

Zoey Clark Fighting Back


To bring exposure to the amount of challenge an athlete can face during their journey to compete on a world stage.


Tell the story of one athlete’s challenges and use the inspiring message of overcoming the obstacles to motivate others to achieve their goals.


Capture footage from multiple training sessions and get to know Zoey as an athlete, so we can fully understand exactly what she experienced and learn how she worked through her injury to train at a competition level again.


Scottish Athletics have used the video at multiple live events and across their online platforms to help promote their athletes and raise awareness of the challenges they can face and how their drive and determination pushes them on to succeed. It has helped to raise the profile of Scottish Athletics and highlight some of their support.

Sometimes we find stories that we just have to tell, and this was definitely one of those. How Zoey has worked to overcome her injury is truly inspiring.

The amount of work that an athlete must commit to their training in order to get a few moments in the spotlight as they compete on a world stage is nothing short of unbelievable.  The training must become the individual’s full-time job if they want to achieve real success in their sport, but what happens when they experience an injury or challenge that could affect their entire career?

Zoey Clark’s story is truly inspirational, as she reflects on her time competing at the Olympics to the injury she sustained during training which knocked her off of the path, and how she has pushed through the challenge in order to get back on track for Team GB selection at Olympic level.

We had to get to know Zoey well enough that we could understand the real impact that her injury caused her, and in order to best convey the message.  When people watch high profile events like the Olympics on the television, they only get to see the short moments when an athlete competes, but they don’t get the chance to understand everything that athlete went through just to get those short few moments in the spotlight.